The Health Research Unit, Unidad de Investigación en Salud® (UIS), with address in Trasviña y Retes 1317, Colonia San Felipe, in Chihuahua, Mexico, is responsible of collect, protect and give a proper treatment to all personal data to which have access.
The personal information that we collect may include data deemed sensitive under the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties. This information is always provided in personal way and includes personal opinions, health status and family information. This information can be used for purposes of provision of services, scientific research or offers of job collaboration. We commit that these data will be processed by the most stringent security measures to ensure its confidentiality. This type of data, under no circumstances, may be transferred or handled by people outside the UIS.
Other information may include name, address, phone or email, among others. This information is collected in person or by phone, through our website and other sources permitted by law, such as telephone directories and e-mail addresses. It can be used for the purpose of provision of services, scientific research, advertising, offers of job collaboration or quality assessments. This type of data can be transferred and treated within or outside the country, with purpose of scientific research or offers of job collaboration. In that case, the data may be transferred to other companies, usually in the pharmaceutical industry, previously verifying that they have procedures of protection of personal data. If you do not express your opposition to the fact that your personal data being transferred, it is deemed that you have given your consent for that.
UIS does not use cookies neither web beacons. These files or electronic images are used by some websites to obtain information related to user preferences or to monitor their behavior.
You have the right to rectify and cancel your personal data, and you can oppose to the treatment or transfer thereof or revoke the consent you have given us. To exercise this right, we have implemented specific procedures. If you want to, you can verbally express it at the time your data are collected. You can also contact us in personal way with any representative of UIS, through telephone at (614) 437 2837, by e-mail in or through the page
If you wish to stop receiving promotional messages from us, you can request it through of or To do this, you must provide your name and email address. We will provide immediate attention to all requests, responding to each of them electronically.
Any modification or update to this privacy notice will be oriented to the attention of legislative news, internal policies or new requirements for providing or offering our services or products. These changes will be available to the public through the following means: (1) Visible ads in our establishments; (2) Leaflets available in our establishments; (3) In our website, in section Contact / Privacy Notice.
If you feel that your right of protection of personal data has been injured by any conduct of our employees, of our actions or responses, or if you assume that exist any violation to the provisions, of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in the processing of their personal data, may file a complaint with the IFAI. For more information visit