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Dra. Merced Velázquez
Neurologist with not only with Master in Medical Sciences but also Doctorate in Business Administration and Entrepreneur. Works as a neurologist at the Instituto Chihuahuense de la Salud and at the Hospital CIMA in Chihuahua. She´s teaching to postgraduate students through the Hospital Central Universitario and the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Researcher focused on Multiple Sclerosis, with several publications in scientific journals and books. She has been a Research Coordinator not only at the Academia Mexicana de Neurología (AMN) but also, in medical associations related to this disease as much as in Mexico (AMMEEM) as in the Latinoamérica region (LACTRIMS). Besides, She´s a Medical Advisor at Brenda Multiple Sclerosis Association, AC. Founder and CEO of the Health Research Unit Group, a group of companies dedicated to clinical and epidemiological research, with clinical sites in Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez and Mexico.

Lic. Rosalva Avena Díaz
Degree in Business Administration
Born in Casas Grandes and finished her studies at the Tecnológico in Ciudad Juarez.
She has worked in management and human resources and in the strengthening of civil associations.
Also has experience in management and process definition of clinical research and quality assurance in both activities.
Besides, she collaborates as a consultant for the Business Incubator at ITESM Campus Chihuahua.